Glasgow’s Clyde Arc, known locally as the Squinty Bridge
IT Support Packages ensure a reliable service
- Your network may be experiencing problems
- Your server might have run out of disk space
- Perhaps a program is using too much memory
We recognise the importance of a reliable service for your users and customers, and can help you by offering a support package to suit your needs and budget.
Our packages cover Application Software support, which includes the software that we have developed for you as well as systems which may have been delivered by other providers.
This support covers our availability to look after your running software applications, and to predict and fix any problems as they arise.
The level of support we offer is defined in a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between your business and mariaquinn.com.
Proactive Support Packages prevent problems from developing
For applications requiring a high degree of uptime (the amount of time a system is operational and available), we can offer proactive support. This means that we will monitor the systems for you and resolve minor incidents before they become serious.
Reactive Support Packages ensure that we can address a problem when it’s discovered
Software applications that are not so critical can be supported reactively – in other words, you contact us when you notice that a problem has arisen. The SLA will set out how quickly we will respond to a problem that is reported to us.